We continuously development and improve our forms solution to provide better recognition accuracy, data validation and integration with other solutions. For our CMS-1500 there have been substantial improvements to the OCR accuracy made for both Black and White as well as Color Drop-Out versions of the CMS-1500 form, as well as combining them into a single input stream for easier management.

The color drop-out template has been improved to allow for significant variations in the fonts, text alignment, and capture of fields when the form is filled in “unconventionally”.

Data validations have also been improved to enforce full compliance with the 837P EDI format.

The CMS 1500 (formerly HCFA 1500) is the standard paper claim medical form used by non-institutional healthcare providers, such as private practices, to submit a claim for billing Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Contractors for Part B covered services and some Medicaid-covered services. The CMS 1500 is sometimes also suitable for billing various government and some private insurers and is accepted by most health insurance providers. The CMS 1500 has been updated to include National Provider Identifiers (NPIs), or unique numbers required by HIPAA and contains all the basic information needed to submit an accurate claim. Before a claim is submitted, a number of technical protocols and industry standards must be met for insurance claims to be delivered expediently and accurately between medical practice and payer.

Perform all of your claims processing faster, with less errors and less effort in one easy-to-use, affordable application.

Learn More about CMS 1500 Forms processing

CMS-1500 Form